Due to the economic woes of the Eurozone's periphery, countless young Italian and Spanish students are finding themselves attracted to Western Europe's largest city.
London still has a relatively active job market. Furthermore, a diverse and dynamic society make it an attractive destination to Italian and Spanish, who are struggling with their home countries stagnant economies. The EU Free Market means that Work Visas are no an issue, so the only issue is potentailly a lack of language skills.
While German and French education promoted the learning of the English language in the 80s and 90s, Italian and Spanish educational programmes were relatively slow in promoting English language competency in their young.
Consequently, a lot of young Spanish and Italians are arriving in London unprepared, from a language point of view. Despite having very relevant skills in the work environment, a lack of language skills can lead to people taking unsklilled work, relative to ability. This is a dilemma and tough learning experience. Although there is a lot of language institutions in England, you cannot guarantee that you will always get a class to teach you English in order to get into the workplace fast.
How do we know that these schools are providing suitable training? What should we look for when searching for a course?
Students need good quality English vocabulary and grammar lessons, but in not all cases this is happening. It definitely pays to ask students about how happy they are with the course before signing up.
The next thing is to check that Business English skills are the focus of the training course. This will ensure that you gain the key work skills of structuring letters, emails and communicating on the phone.
Learning these skills in a course can be beneficial also to those looking to study in London and return to work in Italy and Spain, as the commercial focus has universal benefits.
At the moment few schools offer these course, but I hope that more schools in London will learn to provide quality language classes combined with a business focus to meet their students' long term life goals.
I have been talking to many Spanish students in London over the last few months and this seems to be the key challenge that they face when dealing with London's Language Schools. Naturally in all industries there are good and bad ones, but I hope more will create more business minded classes for the more economically driven student.
Business English Courses, Written Business Communication and TOLES English Language for Lawyers are offered at this Language School. This is situated in heart of the City of London.
London English School

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