Just having an objective to learn Spanish is not enough - you need to have a proper study plan in place. Having a good study plan is important as it enables you to focus on all the things that will help you learn Spanish the right way. It is the backbone for effective learning. It combines your regular online/traditional study programs and your personal study.
Here are a few tips which will help you create a proper study plan to learn Spanish.
Set daily and weekly goals
Don't just create a study plan - prepare an action plan that serves a specific purpose. Set daily and weekly goals. Make sure that the goals are quantifiable, like preparing for a weekend test or a proficiency test or learning conjugations. Also, have the long-term perspective in mind while setting your daily or weekly goals, so that they help you in achieving your main objectives like clearing the CLEP exam, advancing to the next level of learning Spanish or the ultimate objective of mastering Spanish and speaking it fluently like a native speaker.
Review the day's lesson
This is the most essential part of a study plan. Review the day's lesson taught in your online/traditional study program - memorize the grammar rules, vocabulary and phrases. If you are learning Spanish online, you can take advantage of repeating any lesson that you found difficult to follow. This way, you can get a good grasp on the language.
Concentrate on topics other than those taught in the class
A study plan that does not add any value to your regular classes is of limited use. Explore various facets of Spanish language and its culture - make it your hobby. Spend time to explore various themes, topics and idiomatic expressions other than those taught in the class. This gives you a comprehensive knowledge about Spanish that indirectly enhances the understanding and application of the language and also helps you stay motivated to learn the language.
Practice balanced learning
Try to cover all aspects of the language. Practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening - do a little bit every day. Never schedule or plan to master these aspects one after the other; they all have to go hand in hand for more effective learning.
Indulge in stress-busting exercises
Your study plan is not complete until you incorporate language games, comics, short stories, movies, music, etc., as part of your learning process. These activities not only serve as stress-busting exercises but also help in strengthening your knowledge of Spanish. These also help in easy application of the language in your day-to-day life.
Interact with faculty, friends and native Spanish speakers
Don't limit the activities of a study plan to the indoors or text books or your computer. It's important that you not isolate yourself - get out and mingle with the native Spanish speaking population or chat with them online. If you can't resolve certain doubts or questions about the language on your own, find someone qualified to help you. Speak in Spanish with your classmates. Get involved in group studies and discussions - this helps you overcome your fear of speaking in Spanish.
Review your plan every day
Track your progress every day to check if the plan is working. Review and revise your plan regularly to make it better. Add or eliminate activities based on your progress and needs. The more your plan is customized to your current and long-term needs, the better the results will be.
Be disciplined and stick to the schedule
Unless you are disciplined, you cannot assure a successful journey in learning Spanish. Learning Spanish requires that you be enthusiastic, sincere, hardworking and dedicated. Just wishing you could master Spanish without having all these attributes can mean getting nowhere in the learning process.
Make your study plan as dynamic as you can - don't make it an imitation of your regular Spanish training classes. Also, having a plan does not imply that you have to spend the whole day on studying Spanish. The purpose of a study plan is to make you study smarter, not harder.
SpanishHour specializes in helping English speakers to learn and master Spanish. Know how to learn Spanish from the ground up with fun and easy one-hour daily lessons that are designed to teach Spanish for beginners. The best way to learn Spanish is through videos, entertaining comics, interactive flashcards, arcade style video games, Spanish language articles and crossword puzzles - offered by Spanish Hour.

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